
Upcoming Events

September 2024

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday September 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $10.00

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday September 1:30pm - 3:30pm

August 2024


Purchase Tickets

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday August 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $10.00

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday August 1:30pm - 3:30pm

July 2024

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday July 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $10.00

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday July 1:30pm - 3:30pm

June 2024

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday June 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $10.00



Advanced Directives: Planning for the future no matter what your age

Sunday June 🕧 12:30 PM

  • with Kate Hinman discussing:In person only
    • Power of Attorney
    • Healthcare Representative
    • Living Will
    • Ensuring that a chosen representative can carry out your wishes when you cannot speak for yourself
  • Please contact Kate for questions
  • Cost: Free

  • Sign up at katehinman55@gmail.com

Learn More About …

Sunday June 🕧 12:30 PM

  • with Rev. Susan Hill In person only
  • Learn more about the Interior Castle of Teresa of Avila.
  • In her masterpiece, "Interior Castle", St. Teresa compares the soul to a diamond with many facets and a castle with many rooms. She explains what we find as we make our way through the castle on our way to a closer connection with God.
  • Cost: Love Offering

  • Sign up at messagefromviolet@yahoo.com

May 2024

Mediumship Practice Circle

Sundays May , , & 12:30pm - 1:30pm

  • with Rev. Susan Hill In person Only.
  • Have you thought about being a medium? Want to learn more?
  • This class is open to "Beginners" and "Beginners Plus" students
  • All are welcome.
  • Cost:
    • $20 per session for non-members
    • $15 per session for members

    Please pay the instructor directly at the time of each session.

Artwork by Camille Nelsen

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday May 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $5.00

April 2024

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday April 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $5.00

Principles of Ayurvedic (Holisitic) Health

hands with lotus

Saturday March 🕛 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Saturday   April     🕛 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

  • with Brandon Williams In person only
  • March 30 session includes
    • Foundations of Ayurveda
    • Ayurvedic Nutrition
    • Emotional Freedom Techniques
  • April 6 session includes
    • Inner Pharmacy
    • Creating Healthy Daily Routines
    • Pranayama (Mindful Breathing) - 30 mins
    • Meditation Basics - 30 mins
  • Refreshments will be provided.
  • Cost: $5

  • Please pay for class by check written payable to Progressive Spiritualist Church
    and write "Ayurvedic Health" in the memo line.
  • Sign up using the signup sheet at church.

Beginning Mediumship Development

Sundays April , , & 12:30pm - 1:30pm

  • with Rev. Susan Hill In person Only.
  • Have you thought about being a medium? Want to learn more?
  • This class is open to "Beginners" and "Beginners Plus" students
  • All are welcome.
  • Cost:
    • $20 per session for non-members
    • $15 per session for members

    Please pay the instructor directly at the time of each session.

Artwork by Camille Nelsen

March 2024

Exploring Past Lives

Saturday March 🕘 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • with Rev. Mike Mellott and Rev. Susan Hill-Mellott In person only
  • Explore the possibility of past lives.
  • Discover any challenges from past lives still affecting present life.
  • Receive information about past lives in a seance.
  • Class limited to 10 participants
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Cost: $60

  • Please pay for class by check written payable to Susan Hill-Mellott
    and write "Exploring Past Lives" in the memo line.
  • Sign up at messagefromviolet@yahoo.com
    There will also be a signup sheet at church.

Mediumship Development

Sundays March , , , & 12:30pm - 1:30pm

  • with Rev. Susan Hill In person Only.
  • Have you thought about being a medium? Want to learn more?
  • This class is open to "Beginners" and "Beginners Plus" students
  • All are welcome.
  • Cost:
    • $20 per session for non-members
    • $15 per session for members

    Please pay the instructor directly at the time of each session.

Artwork by Camille Nelsen

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday March 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $5.00

Psychic and Healing Fair

Tarot Cards

Saturday March 🕧 12:30pm - 5:00pm

  • Doors open at 12:30pm
  • Readings 1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Get a reading with a Progressive Spiritualist Church certified medium
    ($15 for 15 minutes)
  • Note the different types of readings available:
    Spirit Messages using Mediumship
    The medium connects to a departed loved one in Spirit, providing evidence of their connection and giving you a message from these beloved spirit(s), simply using their clairvoyant capabilities. Clairvoyance is the ability to gain information using extrasensory perception.
    Spirit Messages using Divination Tools
    These tools help a reader provide clarity into a situation and help answer your questions pertaining to your life. There are many types of Divination tools, such as:
    The images on these cards and the manner in which they are displayed help to tell a story and provide guidance in your current spiritual life. Tell the reader if you are looking for guidance in a specific area of your life. The reader uses the story and their connection to Spirit to bring it all together in a meaningful way for you.
    You will receive insight to your personality traits and tendencies, along with evidence of your past, present and potential future occurrences. The shape of your hand, along with the lines on your hand tell a story. You have free will and can change the lines on your hands by changing your way of thinking and being.
    Reading the energy of a physical object can bring about details of that object's owner and its history. Making that spiritual connection with the departed owner can then lead to spirit messages from them.
    Crystals have their own energies and attributes and can assist the medium in giving you spiritual guidance. Runes are much like cards, in that each rune and the way it is displayed help to tell a story and provide life guidance.
    Using your birth date and birth name, many basic characteristics of your personality may be revealed, helping you to understand your preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and compatibility to others.
    Letter Tiles, Crystal Balls, and many others
    Many mediums create their own divination tools and have great success in delivering meaningful spirit messages and life guidance. The sky is the limit!
    Spiritual Healing (Love offering)
    Spiritual Healing is recognized by many sacred texts and is a tenet of ancient and modern religions. A Spiritual Healer possesses a gift for passing healing energy from spiritual forces to recipients. This energy helps to bring about healing of spiritual, mental and physical conditions. Belief in the body's ability to generate its own healing energy is important in bringing about healing. Some of the healers have received certification in their respective healing modality, but we do not claim to be licensed medical practitioners and cannot diagnose anyone. We do believe, however, in the energetic work that may provide deeper healing at a spiritual level as we work with the higher vibrations of Infinite Intelligence.
    Energy Healing
    As stated above, the healer typically channels higher vibrational energy through the hands, while praying/requesting that spirit divinely guide this healing to the recipient as needed. No one will touch you without permission, and all energy healing may be done with no touch at all.
    This is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us, creating life. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or emotional pain. Reiki practitioners believe that improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
    LIIFT UnTherapy
    This is "Life Improving Internal Focus Technique". This emotional healing technique can help heal abuse, anxiety, dysfunctional families, emotional distress, PTSD, trauma, and unhappiness. You are not required to talk about your problems, as muscle testing is used in conjunction with a LIIFT manual to determine the area of greatest need. Once an area has been identified, the facilitator will have you repeat specific affirming statements that relate to your need, breathing in the energy of that statement, and possibly crossing your arms or legs in certain directions and/or tapping the energy of the statements onto your body. You will be in a private area and utmost confidentiality is practiced.
  • Shop with our vendors

Principles of Ayurvedic (Holisitic) Health

hands with lotus

Saturday March 🕛 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Saturday   April     🕛 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

  • with Brandon Williams In person only
  • March 30 session includes
    • Foundations of Ayurveda
    • Ayurvedic Nutrition
    • Emotional Freedom Techniques
  • April 6 session includes
    • Inner Pharmacy
    • Creating Healthy Daily Routines
    • Pranayama (Mindful Breathing) - 30 mins
    • Meditation Basics - 30 mins
  • Refreshments will be provided.
  • Cost: $5

  • Please pay for class by check written payable to Progressive Spiritualist Church
    and write "Ayurvedic Health" in the memo line.
  • Sign up using the signup sheet at church.

February 2024

Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Tuesday February 🕡 6:30pm

Instructed by Izabela Paz and Jason Kish

This class type is chair/lyengar yoga. We will explore basic yoga poses (asana), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation. It is designed for beginners, but both the chair version and the traditional postures will be taught. The primary focus is linking the breath to the pose.

Bring a yoga mat.In person only

Minimum cost is $5.00

January 2024

Beginning Mediumship Development

Wednesdays January , , & 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Please join us in person if possible.
  • Have you thought about being a medium? Want to learn more?
  • Join this exciting class to learn the basics of mediumship.
  • Students are expected to attend in person unless illness, weather or distance prevent it.
    • Meeting ID: 812 5400 0194
    • Password: 639885
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799
  • Cost:
    • $20 per session for non-members
    • $15 per session for members

    Please pay the instructor directly at the time of each session.

Artwork by Camille Nelsen

Mediumship Development Intensive Workshop

Saturday January 🕙 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • with Rev. Mike Mellott and Rev. Susan Hill-Mellott In person only
  • We have lots of tips and exercises to help you gain confidence in your work and we are very excited to share them.
    This will be a safe space for you to explore your gifts and have fun doing it.
  • All levels are welcome.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Cost: $50

  • Please pay for class by check written payable to Susan Hill-Mellott
    and write "Saturday Mediumship Workshop" in the memo line.
  • Sign up at messagefromviolet@yahoo.com
    There will also be a signup sheet at church.

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday January 1:30pm - 3:30pm

December 2023

Continuing Mediumship Development

Wednesdays December & 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Kandy Kendall In person only
  • Join Kandy in this innovative style class of lecture and practice as she
    helps you to soar in your development. All levels are welcome.
  • Sign up at cosmickandy@onemain.com
Artwork by Annamarie Melodia

Healing / Energy Circle


Thursday December 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Please join us in person if possible.
  • Join these gifted healers to both give and receive healing with others.
    • Meeting ID: 832 0465 5948
    • Password: 017371
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Mediumship Development Sampler

December 17

Sunday December 12:15pm - 12:45pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher 🎄 In person and on Zoom 🎄
  • Have you thought about being a medium? Want to learn more?
    • Meeting ID: 885 2682 1487
    • Password: 721193
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799
  • Cost: FREE

Book Club

The Energy of Money book

Fridays December , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:30pm

  • with Ann ShaverZoom only
  • This month's book: The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.
  • Join us any week for disucssion.
  • Zoom only See you on Zoom!
    • Meeting ID: 813 3490 4196
    • Password: 379484
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Oracle Card Club

Oracle Card Club

Saturday December 🕐 1:00pm - 3:30pm

  • with Hoss Hostetler In person only
  • This is an afternoon to practice your tarot/oracle card skills with other readers
  • If you have been curious about cards and want to learn more about them, this is the place to check out card decks and ask questions.
  • Open to the beginner, novice, or seasoned reader
  • Card Club is an opportunity for fellowship, connect with Spirit, learn something new, and most of all, have some fun.

Spirit Circle

Spirit Circle

Thursday December 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Zoom only
  • This is a great way to practice your connection with spirit with the energy of your like-minded friends.
    • Meeting ID: 834 9674 4096
    • Password: 980756
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

After Church Readings

Card Reading

Sunday December 🕛 12:00pm

After the service on one Sunday of each month, you will have an opportunity to get a personal reading from one of our mediums. The cost is $15 for 15 minutes or $5 for a one-card 5 minute reading.

Cash is preferred, but PayPal is available.


Mondays December , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:00pm

  • Live The Life You Want In person only
  • Like a rainbow after a storm, with B2B you can transform pain into blessings
    for yourself and others.
  • Start your journey away from pain and brokenness towards the life of joy and meaning
    you wanted for yourself.
  • Get the support you need, without judgement, from those who understand where you are
    because we've been there ourselves.
  • Cost: Love Offering

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday December 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Round Table Discussion

Zoom Round Table

Thursday December 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim LasherZoom only
  • This month's topic: TBD
    • Meeting ID: 843 7036 9850
    • Password: 545815
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799
Artwork by Camille Nelsen

November 2023

Continuing Mediumship Development

Wednesdays November , & 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Kandy Kendall & Rev. Margee Jaeger In person only
  • Join Kandy for the November 1st and November 29th classes.
    Margee will teach November 15th.
    helps you to soar in your development. All levels are welcome.
  • If possible, please pay for class by check written payable to Kandy
    and write "Wednesday Development Class" in the memo line
  • Sign up at cosmickandy@onemain.com
Artwork by Annamarie Melodia

Healing / Energy Circle


Thursday November 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Please join us in person if possible.
  • Join these gifted healers to both give and receive healing with others.
    • Meeting ID: 832 0465 5948
    • Password: 017371
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Book Club

The Energy of Money book

Fridays November , , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:30pm

  • with Ann ShaverZoom only
  • This month's book: The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.
  • Join us any week for disucssion.
  • Zoom only See you on Zoom!
    • Meeting ID: 813 3490 4196
    • Password: 379484
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Oracle Card Club

Oracle Card Club

Saturday November 🕐 1:00pm - 3:30pm

  • with Hoss Hostetler In person only
  • This is an afternoon to practice your tarot/oracle card skills with other readers
  • If you have been curious about cards and want to learn more about them, this is the place to check out card decks and ask questions.
  • Open to the beginner, novice, or seasoned reader
  • Card Club is an opportunity for fellowship, connect with Spirit, learn something new, and most of all, have some fun.

Spirit Circle

Spirit Circle

Thursday November 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Zoom only
  • This is a great way to practice your connection with spirit with the energy of your like-minded friends.
    • Meeting ID: 834 9674 4096
    • Password: 980756
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

After Church Readings

Card Reading

Sunday November 🕛 12:00pm

After the service on one Sunday of each month, you will have an opportunity to get a personal reading from one of our mediums. The cost is $15 for 15 minutes or $5 for a one-card 5 minute reading.

Cash is preferred, but PayPal is available.


Mondays November , , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:00pm

  • Live The Life You Want In person only
  • Like a rainbow after a storm, with B2B you can transform pain into blessings
    for yourself and others.
  • Start your journey away from pain and brokenness towards the life of joy and meaning
    you wanted for yourself.
  • Get the support you need, without judgement, from those who understand where you are
    because we've been there ourselves.
  • Cost: Love Offering

Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday November 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Round Table Discussion

Zoom Round Table

Thursday November 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim LasherZoom only
  • This month's topic: TBD
    • Meeting ID: 843 7036 9850
    • Password: 545815
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799
Artwork by Camille Nelsen

October 2023

After Church Readings

Card Reading

Sunday October 🕛 12:00pm

After the service on one Sunday of each month, you will have an opportunity to get a personal reading from one of our mediums. The cost is $15 for 15 minutes or $5 for a one-card 5 minute reading.

Cash is preferred, but PayPal is available.


Mondays October , , , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:00pm

  • Live The Life You Want In person only
  • Like a rainbow after a storm, with B2B you can transform pain into blessings
    for yourself and others.
  • Start your journey away from pain and brokenness towards the life of joy and meaning
    you wanted for yourself.
  • Get the support you need, without judgement, from those who understand where you are
    because we've been there ourselves.
  • Cost: Love Offering

Continuing Mediumship Development

Wednesdays October , & 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Kandy Kendall In person only
  • Join Kandy in this innovative style class of lecture and practice as she
    helps you to soar in your development. All levels are welcome.
  • Sign up at cosmickandy@onemain.com
Artwork by Annamarie Melodia

Healing / Energy Circle


Thursday October 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Please join us in person if possible.
  • Join these gifted healers to both give and receive healing with others.
    • Meeting ID: 849 8365 9515
    • Password: 936292
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Book Club

The Energy of Money book

Fridays October , & 🕖 7:00pm - 8:30pm

  • with Ann Shaver
  • This month's book: The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.
  • Join us any week for disucssion.
  • Zoom only See you on Zoom!
    • Meeting ID: 813 3490 4196
    • Password: 379484
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799

Oracle Card Club

Oracle Card Club

Saturday October 🕐 1:00pm - 3:30pm

  • with Hoss Hostetler In person only
  • This is an afternoon to practice your tarot/oracle card skills with other readers
  • If you have been curious about cards and want to learn more about them, this is the place to check out card decks and ask questions.
  • Open to the beginner, novice, or seasoned reader
  • Card Club is an opportunity for fellowship, connect with Spirit, learn something new, and most of all, have some fun.

Spirit Circle

Spirit Circle

Thursday October 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim Lasher Please join us in person if possible.
  • This is a great way to practice your connection with spirit with the energy of your like-minded friends.
    • Meeting ID: 834 9674 4096
    • Password: 980756
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799


Reiki Healing Support Group

Saturday October 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Round Table Discussion

Zoom Round Table

Thursday October 🕡 6:30pm - 8:30pm

  • with Rev. Jim LasherZoom only
  • This month's topic: TBD
    • Meeting ID: 843 7036 9850
    • Password: 545815
    • Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone:
    • (312) 626-6799
Artwork by Camille Nelsen

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